Our Services

What we offer

Market Garden

Northern Roots founded its Market Garden in 2022. During the growing season, produce is sold right from the garden as it becomes ready for harvesting. Follow Northern Roots on Facebook for pictures, sales and events.

Workshops & Mentorship

Northern Roots has partnered with the City of Yellowknife, Yellowknives Dene First Nation (Dechita Naowo) and the Government of the Northwest Territories Industry, Tourism, and Investment to create a the “Transform Your Yard into a Food Garden” mentorship program where mentees are taught how to become more food secure by learning how to establish a successful personal and/or market garden for an entire year at the program level 1.

There will be a series of 14 workshops for the participants of the “Transform Your Yard to a Food Garden Mentorship Program” including:

  • Garden planning

  • Seed selection/ordering supplies

  • Understanding soil amendments

  • Planting and caring for seedlings

  • Preparing soil for planting

  • Planting

  • Garden care and maintenance

  • Harvesting and storing produce

For Market Garden mentees that will be additional mentorship hours for honing business skills.

The program includes a number of one-on-one mentorship hours throughout the entire year around program.

Besides the Mentorship program, we will be offering stand-alone workshops - please follow us on the Northern Roots Facebook page for announcements.


Northern Roots has consulted on the planning and implementation of community gardens and small-scale agriculture within many Indigenous communities in the Northwest Territories.

Northern Roots has historically partnered with different schools in the Northwest Territories to bring education about local food security into the classroom.

The Results

“Amazing garden. I purchased many items that were plucked from the earth while I waited. Quick wash with the hose and then home. Gorgeous carrots, green beans, basil, swiss chard, peas, dill, and beets.”

Eve Erasmus

“Lone is a masterful gardener who shares an intimate relationship with the soil and plants in her gardens. Her extensive research and knowledge about gardening in the North and her love for working with the earth and elements of nature are the perfect ingredients for a healthy and bountiful garden. Throughout last summer and fall, our family was a thankful recipient of Lone's fresh, organic produce, nurtured by love from her ceremonial garden. We enjoyed the tastiest produce we have ever eaten!  As vegetarians, we especially enjoyed the variety of vegetables and herbs that graced our table as they became ready for us to pick. The fresh produce inspired me to create new recipes as we harvested the plants weekly and shared them with family and friends. Lone has planted the seeds of possibility for new northern gardeners through her role-modelling and working in communities. From seed selection and preparation in early spring to nourishing the soil, working with nature's elements, and fertilizing with love and hard work, Northerners will benefit as she continues to share her expertise on how others can do this themselves. We enthusiastically await this summer's bounty from Lone's ceremonial garden!”

Lynn Taylor